MAT 217 Exam 3

Note: Answer the following problems. Solutions are due Sunday Nov 11th at 9 pm.

Note 2: I will open up a Zoom room during class period for questions about the problems.

Problem 1

Using the _Codes_forexam3.ipynb note book run and collect the data that is available for the KC metro area as of 3pm on Monday Nov 2nd

Use that code to predict the raw number of total infected people in the KC metro area on Nov 11th.

The person who has the smallest error from the exact number will be awarded a bonus 20% to their exam score. You are only allowed to use data given in the zip file.

Problem 2

Use the data given to figure out which county has the worst weekly percentage growth in population out of all the counties in both Missouri and Kansas during the past three months. You can assume a week starts on Monday and stops on Sunday.