Week 9 Homework List

As always, a self contained ipynb solutions should be uploaded to Canvas along with a pdf copy. Each Question shall be clearly displayed inside the same notebook. Headers and formating will be graded

Question 1

Replicate the graph of the three dimensional Lorentz attractor, but plot three solutions on the same graph that have starting points no more than 0.1 away from each other.

Question 2

Use the SIR model to figure out how much of the population would be totally infected with a disease that has $\beta = 1$ and $\gamma =0.5$

Question 3

Use the following code to import data:

In [3]:
import csv

with open('HW9_example.csv') as csvfile:
    readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for row in readCSV:

The data is from an SIR model, the data represents time, susceptible and infectious. Use this to estimate the percentage of recovered at $t = 6$

Hint: Make sure you place the data file in the same directory of the notebook, so it can read it.